Signs That Your Vehicle Is In Need of a Tune-Up

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Signs That Your Vehicle Is In Need of a Tune-Up

Signs That Your Vehicle Is In Need of a Tune-Up | Road Runner Auto Care

Your vehicle needs regular tune-ups. Most vehicles need maintenance every 10,000 to 20,000 miles. However, there are also signs that indicate you need to get a tune-up.

It Is Getting Harder for You to Start Your Car

There are several things that can make it harder for you to start your car. For example, you may have a weak fuel pump or battery. An ignition problem can also make it harder for you to start your vehicle. This problem can usually be fixed with a tune-up.

The Warning Lights Are On

There is a reason that the warning lights turn on when you start your car. This can be a sign that your tail light has burnt out. It can also be a sign of a bad transmission, which is a more serious issue.

Bad Gas Mileage

The cost of gas is going up, but that may not be the only reason that you are paying more at the pump. A vehicle that is in need of a tune-up will use more fuel. In addition, a tune-up can improve the fuel efficiency of your car.


It is normal for your vehicle to vibrate when you are driving on a rough road. However, if your car is vibrating all of the time, then it is time for you to get a tune-up. There are several things that you can cause your vehicle to vibrate. For example, your tires may be unbalanced and worn out.

Unexplained Noises

If your vehicle is making a lot of noise, then this is something that you need to investigate. The type of noise the vehicle is making can tell you the kind of problem it has. For example, if you hear noise while you are steering, this may signify low power-steering fluid. A loose or worn-out belt can also cause unexplained noises.